RION Europe Office product overview

Environmental noise

Monitor traffic noise

For road traffic noise monitoring, a microphone is positioned at a given point next to a highway or major road, and a sound level meter is used to record level fluctuations as well as actual sound at the site. With a constant monitoring system, interval measurement is also possible. Noise events are detected automatically and evaluated to determined whether they are aircraft noise.

Monitor environmental noise

Use the general-purpose sound level meter NL-42 or high-precision sound level meter NL-52 for monitoring environmental noise.

We want to monitor aircraft noise

For aircraft noise monitoring, a microphone is positioned in the vicinity of the airport or at a point in the flight path, and a sound level meter is used to record level fluctuations as well as actual sound at the site. In a constant monitoring system, noise events are detected automatically from level fluctuations and are evaluated to determine whether they are aircraft noise. A system for detecting ground-level sound events occurring at airports can also be configured.

Monitor noise emanating from a factory

Use a sound level meter to monitor factory sounds at the boundary of the site.

Monitor noise from construction activities

Use a sound level meter to monitor noise from construction activities

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